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Support a clean-up

Get involved and contribute to a cleaner marine environment. We realise that it’s not only a global threat, but also an important local issue. A large amount of waste from the island and mainland Sabah ends up on the beaches and reefs around Mabul.


Join a Beach Clean-up

Every Saturday is dedicated to removing trash from our local beaches. The trash is analysed and the data submitted to global databases like Ocean Conservancy’s Clean Swell App. We also organise extra clean-up days throughout the year in support of international efforts, such as International Coastal Clean-up Day. If you happen to be on Mabul Island during one of our clean-up days, be sure to come and give us a hand – the more people that help, the more trash we can remove – together we are stronger!




Dive into a reef clean-up

Unfortunately, marine debris isn’t just found on our beaches, but on the reefs as well. Due to the currents and tides in the area particular dive sites collect more derbis than others.  On top of this there is the debris coming in on currents from the mainland which will also collect in the same area. The Scuba Junkie dive team get out as often as possible to clean up the reefs so that the corals and fish can flourish. If your around Mabul Island on one of our Reef Clean-up days, we encourage you to join us for the underwater clean-up experience.

Sponsor a Clean-up

We have a Sponsor a reef/beach clean initiative that offers our guests the opportunity to fund a reef/beach clean in the future. The money raised will help us to cover the costs of doing reef/beach cleans (biodegradable bags, plastic gloves and fuel) so that we can look to expand this line of work in the future. As little as RM50 can:

  • Buy much-needed bags for the reef and beach cleans
  • Buy gloves, knives and scissors for reef and beach clean-ups
  • Go towards petrol for a reef clean around the islands


Sponsor a Clean-up

Just want to donate some money to support SEAS? Then use our PayPal account!



About Us

Scuba Junkie SEAS is a not-for-profit marine conservation organisation based in Malaysia.

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